Writer’s Craft Students at Wurruk Primary
On Tuesday 29th October the Year 9 Writer’s Craft students spent a couple of lessons with Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 students at Wurruk Primary school. In three different pairings, they spent time with very mixed ability groups looking at how to use descriptive language to improve their own writing. On a rotation basis, each group spent 25 minutes looking at different ways to describe. One group used their five senses to describe chocolate; a second group created a story using questions after ‘finding Alice’s key’; and the third group had students creating and describing characters through thought-provoking questions. The students then read them back to the group.
The CCS students were invited to have some ‘brain food’ during their small break, where we discussed the activities that they completed and what they learned. Seb Moore articulated the experienced well in “It was really worthwhile to be placed out of our comfort zones by going to the Primary school. It allowed us to learn about others and gave us a better perspective of how demanding a job it is for our teachers”. The Wurruk students were going to continue with these small activities to create stories.