VCE Results and Apprentices 2019
We are very proud of all our Year 12 students. They have worked extremely hard and shown tremendous resilience to follow their post-secondary pathway dreams. A special congratulations goes to our 2019 College Dux, Ruby Heasley for achieving an ATAR score of 97.15. A large percentage of our students achieved study scores above 40 with a perfect 50 for Neeve McQuillen in VCE/VET Sport and Recreation. The expertise of our Trade Skills Centre to develop sought after Apprentices continues to be recognised with a huge number of Apprenticeships in a wide variety of industries.
Chris Randell
Once again we are extremely pleased with our well deserved VCE results. We applaud our students who achieved an ATAR of 90 or above for their magnificent achievement. However, we also gain an enormous amount of pleasure in the large number of students that achieved excellent ATAR scores through effort and application. Congratulations and well done.
Ken Holmes
VCE Coordinator