Plain English Speaking Award 2024

Hannah van Deventer (Year 12) and Angus Cleland (Year 11) enthusiastically presented a prepared speech as Catholic College Sale’s representatives for the PESA competition on Monday 20th May at Gippsland Grammar. 

Enthusiastic and passionate were the words to describe their presentations to the two adjudicators and their audience. Both Hannah and Angus were asked to deliver a six-minute prepared speech. Through anecdotal evidence, facts and rhetorical questions, their topics of Misogynist Medicine and A Brie-f History of Cheese, the audience was inspired to act and were entertained. Who had thought that cheese was so ‘Gouda’ for you!

These presentations were followed by the need for the challenging skills of preparing for a 3-minute impromptu speech. This asks the speaker to take four minutes to organise a 3-minute speech on a topic that they haven’t seen before. Each speaker has the same topic, which was “The Price is Right.”

Whilst Hannah was able to speak for almost two minutes, she was eloquent and clear in her delivery and persuasive in her content. “The price is right” started with an anecdote to relate to her audience, then she explained the use of streaming media and free media. She was clear, well-paused for her audience.

Rhetorical questions helped Augus deliver his impromptu speech. Looking at the topic with a metaphoric approach, Angus pushed his points using the repetition of ideas to help explain why ‘the price isn’t always right.’ Angus was well paused and clear with his projection.

Both students were professional and executed themselves competently. Hannah was runner-up to a Gippsland Grammar student. We would also like to thank Ms Julia Moulton for accompanying the students on the day.