Feast Day of St. Marcellin Champagnat
A tradition at the College on the Feast day of Saint Marcellin Champagnat is to present awards to students and staff who best characterise the qualities of Marcellin Champagnat. This year our celebration included a liturgy and the Annual Footsteps Walk. The award recipients were based on the nominations from staff (for both students and staff) and students (for staff). A maximum of two students can be awarded the medallion for each year level.
Congratulations to all the students and staff recipients who were acknowledged at a whole school assembly on Wednesday 6th June.
Year 12 – Alex Nair, Hamish Telfer
Year 11 – Ellie Jorgenson, Saurav Naayan
Year 10 – Emily Knobel
Year 9 – Jemma Stothers, Will Firth
Year 8 – Sebastian Pendergast, Grace O’Brien
Year 7 – Zoe Stothers, Mia Whitford
Staff – Jacinta Werner, Trish Greenwood

In addition the Vin Hall award is an award given in Champagnat House on the Feast Day of St Marcellin Champagnat for the student in Champagnat House who best represents the Champagnat values. These are: Contribution to the Champagnat community,humility,hard work, participation,kindness and approachability. Many students from Yrs 7- 12 were contenders for the award having been nominated by their peers. This year the award wasa given to Lachlan Allman from Year 8.