Feast Day of Marcellin Champagnat
In years past Catholic College has celebrated the feast day of Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marists, with a Mass and extended walk around Lake Guthridge. This year, with less than half our students studying on site and with restrictions placed on indoor assemblies, we had a smaller, but no less significant, event. Students gathered in house groups and participated in a short liturgy at our outdoor chapel, led by our School Captains Emily and Murray and Dean Peter Bickley. A part of his blessing read:
Today we are called to walk together in the footsteps of Marcellin.
May we walk together in peace, knowing we live in a world which has little peace.
May we walk together in joy, knowing there are many in the world in sorrow.
May we walk together in faith, knowing our world, like that of Marcellin, often turns from that faith and finds despair.
Our students walked through our charism garden which celebrates the heritage of the Marist Brothers and Sion Sisters and journeyed around the college ovals to be welcomed by some of our senior students performing from the front of the Pavilion. Students shared a brief afternoon tea and then the Year 12 cohort stayed behind for a class photo and to be thanked for their leadership. It was a wonderful time for our community to celebrate being back together again.