CCS Opening Liturgy
On Wednesday February 10 a liturgy was held to celebrate the beginning of the 2021 school year. Led by Father Peter Bickley and our Religious Education Coordinator Mr. Jeff Hobbs, the liturgy was our first whole school gathering as one campus. Our Year 7 students were welcomed into the stadium to the ringing of the school bell by our College Captains, as is the tradition. This was followed by the recognition of our 2021 College Leaders, with the presentation of their badges.
The five students who achieved an ATAR of 90 or above, including the 2020 Dux of Catholic College Sale, Holly Hansford, were presented with certificates and recognised by the College community. Holly spoke to the students via video link and highlighted the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and asking lots of questions.
Our top three ATAR students also received the Mother Raphaela Bursary, which is $500 towards their first year of post-secondary education. Congratulations to Holly Hansford, Emily Knobel and Alexandra Stephenson.