Our Annual College Opening Mass was celebrated on the morning of Friday the 1st of February. The Mass, performed by Dean Peter and Father Edwin, was a joyous welcome to the beginning of the year and induction of all the 2019 school leaders.
Principal Chris Randell, Campus Director Kelly Burgiel, Dean Peter Bickley and the 2019 Sion Campus Captains and House Captains.Campus Director Kelly Burgiel, Principal Chris Randell, Dean Peter Bickley and 2019 Sion House Captains Ellie Macgregor and Ethan Clohesy.Campus Director Jim Sutton, Principal Chris Randell, Dean Peter Bickley and the St Patrick’s College Captains and Cabinet Members for 2019Principal Chris Randell, Marists Australia Paul Herrick, Dean Peter Bickley and the 2018 90’s Club Members (absent Griffan Randle)Principal Chris Randell, Dean Peter Bickley and College Captains for 2019 Ben Kearns and Elisa Mijares.2018 College Dux – Ruth Postlethwaite